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This is very bad news for NC and deer hunters

Green Arrow

Posted 8:14 am, 04/14/2022

Back I agree there is too much testing. Its been covid for a couple years now and once that disaster died dow, alobg come Russia, now chronic wasting and avian flu. It does not surprise me and I think most of it is a money gimmick abd a scare **** out of oeople load of crap. Was just reading gas and some other items like baby formula are being limited now. My question has bern for some time why baby formula when nature provides the best food there is for a baby when it is born. Only in rare instances can a mother not feed her child naturally and the child is better for it. Now its egg prices going up at Easter. One disaster ends and each day its something else. If the power elite is doing all this to scare **** out of people tgey are doing a bang up job. That is why I glance at the news, take it all with a grain of salt which they are probably going to test or limit next. How far will this cobtinue before this vountry erupts in civil war or people start jumping out of windows which is happening in China now. Should be interesting to see for some of ys who are seeing it coming.


Posted 6:31 am, 04/14/2022

Just no, a lot of deer testing and feller testing. Too much dam testing if you ask me, which Chick and Freak and Snot did not. They are all turning out to be real live dumbbutts tho.
Qmen, them artsy acting fellers did they're acting about the zombie apocalypse last time they were pretending to be dumbbutts. What to you reckon they do with there weapons?


Posted 9:26 pm, 04/13/2022

I don't hunt deer and I don't eat deer. My weapons are only for a zombie uprising.


Posted 9:13 pm, 04/13/2022

Looks like a lot of deer testing.


Posted 9:00 pm, 04/13/2022

They have invoked emergency powers.

Green Arrow

Posted 5:25 pm, 04/13/2022

Dog. The only dead people around me are in thr cemetary across the road that Ridgetop can't build a house on or put a road through because the familyof those buried there are watching it. Or is it only negro burial ground Ashe County allows that to be done to and Christmas Mt the only one dirty enough to destroy a cemetary??????


Posted 1:21 pm, 04/13/2022

And of course her family and all the dead people around her.


Posted 12:50 pm, 04/13/2022

And once again krazy derailed another thread to make it about herself

Green Arrow

Posted 5:47 pm, 04/12/2022

My goodness the worldmust be ending. Dog agreeing with me in something, will wonders never cease?? Not sure my heart can take the shock!!!!


Posted 4:03 pm, 04/12/2022

I've agreed with her on most things, Chick. No need for you to jump on the bandwagon now.


Posted 3:52 pm, 04/12/2022

We agree on that last post of yours Krazy.

Green Arrow

Posted 10:07 am, 04/12/2022

Back, I can't wait to see the result of that lawsuit. If its jeard in Ashe you can count on itbeing bought and paid for. Personally I hope they roast the whole bunch of the crooks.

Green Arrow

Posted 10:05 am, 04/12/2022

Dog, once again I must correct you. I DO NOT have FAMILY ACROSS THE ROAD. Ridgetop development is ACROSS the road and I have talked to some there but they are NOT RELATED to me. Try to get your facts straight. Outside of my SISTERS I have no family in this hollar. Anyone else LOST the right for me to call them FAMILY when they destroyed my dad and mom.


Posted 9:50 am, 04/12/2022



Posted 9:42 am, 04/12/2022



Posted 9:36 am, 04/12/2022

Dam typos.


Posted 9:34 am, 04/12/2022

Snot, as you continue to post your garbage, be aware that the next hearing for motions in the WBTV vs. Ashe County, William Sands, Paula Perry, Larry Rhodes, Jeff Rose, Gary Roark, Sam Yearick, John Killy, Killy & Hurley Law Firm, and Tom Horner suit is this coming Monday. Of course, you probably already knew that since you know ever dam thing anyways.


Posted 9:24 am, 04/12/2022

Krazy I dont attack you I straighten out your lies and your jabs at your family across the road. They all know what a liar you are and a crap starter.


Posted 9:20 am, 04/12/2022

No it doesn't, stupid.


Posted 8:56 am, 04/12/2022

Arrow, one of my posts that was deleted for trolling referenced what you're talking about. Some conspiracy theories floating around say that world governments planted covid in the human population to see how far and how long that people could be controlled. Since Biden is warning of a food shortage, and if the same world governments' intent is to propagate fear to again reign in the peasants, it makes sense that they could also intentionally contaminate the natural food supply.

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