How do you get your news?
Posted 12:01 am, 05/14/2022
If I want a RINO narrative, David Duke speaks my mind tbh. He's a wee lib for my liking.
Posted 11:56 pm, 05/13/2022
Sorry - the bluefield telegraph too. Ser journismo
Posted 11:53 pm, 05/13/2022
|, thegatewaypundit, anything I see on Gab, mom's chain mail, epoch times, KKK literature etc
Posted 7:46 pm, 05/13/2022
Caj. I said as true as you're gonna get. Mikey, what you're saying is they don't spew a load of pro Trump vomit!
Posted 7:38 pm, 05/13/2022
|, WXII, Journal Patriot, NPR, Politico, Sky News, Euronews, BBC, Forbes, Wall St. Journal, Al Jazeera, Common Dreams, Huff Post, Rolling Stone, Time, Newsweek, Morning Joe, Fox (when I want to laugh), and many more. Mostly from the web and some from TV.
Posted 7:05 pm, 05/13/2022
BBC America is so liberal it bleeds Blue 🔵
Posted 6:58 pm, 05/13/2022
Your better than that, every corporation has some inherent biases.
Posted 6:54 pm, 05/13/2022
Well I took the survey...I was alright with it till they asked for my cell phone number...they don't need it!
Posted 6:32 pm, 05/13/2022
BBC America, they have no political axe to grind so it's about as true as you're gonna get.
Posted 1:40 pm, 05/13/2022
Carolina Public Press has asked me to help get this out to as many rural North Carolinians as possible. They're doing a survey to determine how residents get our news:
I will be sending this link to them, too, so they will see any questions or comments that are posted.